Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh Rolling Stones - "My life would suck with out you"...

Last night while getting ready my Itunes was typically playing to keep up my "weekend" mood. I'll willingly admit my songs are extremely random and can hop from the Beatles to Bob Dylan to T.I and Jewel. But as my songs "shuffled" I realized how absurd today's music is compared to the legends of the 60's , 70's, 80's and even the 90's. I've always been a fan of Bob Dylan, I remember my dad playing his "Like a Rolling Stone" in the car on my way to my first day of middle school. I didn't understand it then, or why this song was a "hit" compared to my favorite of the time Ashanti and Jarules "where would I be without you". And now, I get it, I actually get it. Lets just take a look at Bob Dylans lyrics of "Just like A Rolling Stone" to the new number 1 of 2009, Kelly Clarksons "My life would suck with-out you". First and foremost - just look at the titles and you tell me what your first impression is, this is our generations "classics" - sad.

"Once upon a time you dressed so fine

You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you?

People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall"

You thought they were all kiddin' you

You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out

Now you don't talk so loud

Now you don't seem so proud

About having to be scrounging for your next meal.
How does it feel

How does it feel

To be without a home

Like a complete unknown

Like a rolling stone?"

When you read this, you feel for him, you connect with this "complete unknown" and how their life changed in the blink of an eye. His lyrics tell a story a story that is creatively told through metaphor and poetry. Dylan captures his audience in the mear 4 minutes of voice to ear by involving the listener, asking how it feels and furthermore evoking questions in our own minds. His lyrics actually form words of wisdom, advice and emotion. Its intriguing that a man can take a lonely feeling and compare it to the decent of a rolling stone. Legends such as Dylan create songs with melody accompanied by lyrics that sound more like poetry as opposed to a desperate overpopulated pop song.

Now lets look at Kelly Clarkson...

"You’re standing at my door

Guess this means you take back what you said before

Like how much you wanted anyone but me

Said you’d never come back but here you are again

Cuz we belong together now forever united here somehow

You got a piece of me

And honestly - My life would suck without you"

Ok...first of all, this guy that she supposedly "belongs with forever" left her and told her he wanted anyone other than her - in real life if someone previously involved in a relationship said that to their partner do you really think they would welcome them back with open arms? I know I wouldnt. the fact that she is A) actually taking him back and B) assuming they are destined is funny. She uses the word "like" in her lyrics to describe what he said - that isnt even proper english. Her ending line is "my life would suck without you" I'm sorry but this is sad. I will admit, I actually like the tune, i've sang along with her it is rather... catchy, but when I take a look at her "words of wisdom" as portrayed in her lyrics its more like a pathetic settlement with a guy who treated her badly then poetic advice- it makes me a little...well - nautious.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Seriously...What is a "Serious" ?


When we think of college life and connect aspects of it with the word "serious"... what can you come up with? Schoolwork, scheduling, maybe organization or even sleep time... but what about connecting college life with a "serious relationship"? Some people say never get too serious with someone in college, its your time to be selfish to find you, yet others have told me they met their soul mates in the 4 years that they attended a University. My question to you is what exactly is "serious" or "too serious" or maybe "not serious enough...". Do we really need the added pressure? I interviewed some QU students on their perspective of a serious college relationship - Seriously, what is serious?

( Interviewer would like to remain anonymous...)

Q: When you hear the word "college" what are the first 5 words that come to mind?

A: Party, Friends, Roomates, A Degree, Beer

Q: Of those words of which would you define it with the word "serious"?

A: Honestly... only the degree, I also take my friendships seriously but I wouldn't define them as "serious".

Q: Do you have a boyfriend?

A: Not at the moment, I did, he was a nice guy but when I left for college we decided to go our seperate wats we thought it was only fair for us to experience college life to the fullest.

Q: What do you mean "to the fullest"?

A: I mean the whole college experience without any ties at home, when you have one foot in the door and one foot out someone usually gets hurt and who wants to get hurt? I sure don't...

Q: Do you feel a serious relationship in college is pointless?

A: I don't like the word "pointless" I do think there is a point to everything. But do I think flings are more likely? Absolutely. A lot of the time one person gets more serious then the other, due to fear or whatever, and when that happens the "serious relationship" turns into a horror movie with a very unhappy ending.

Q: How "serious" do you think a relationship should get during the "college stage" of a persons life?

A: That word makes me laugh actually. Some girls I know would consider a drunken Saturday night make-out sesh, "serious" where as other people consider that a joke, and frankly half of them, don't even remember the "true love" kiss that happened on a blacked out toads night. I say stay away from the seriousness until you get the college thing out of your system. Who wants to be tied down during the only true free time in your life. Its up to the person though. Some people have serious personalities. If you do find "true love" thats great! Hang on to it! But these college years fly by in the blink of an eye, I'm just saying take advantage of it - however you see fit.

Q: If you do get your heartbroken from a college "love" whats your advice on moving on?

A: Listen to Mariah Carey's Heartbreaker - makes me smile everytime...

Well, you heard it from one of your very own classmates. I guess her definition serious is a little too unserious for a college relationship...and for any of you who have had your heartbroken - here's a little Mariah to help you out... Enjoy!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The 10 Commandments of College Fitness

The common phrase we hear before we enter our college careers is to "watch that weight" and to "beware of those beer belly's". Staying in shape can be a difficult thing to do when your outside of your comfort zone and furthermore changing your daily routine in a new place with new people. With the help of Quinnipiac University's very own athletic trainer Adam Pallone we have come up with 10 helpful tips on how to stay in shape and keep that weight off through-out your college years!

Tip 1: STRETCH I know its sometimes hard to find the time to exercise with your busy schedules but this exercise you can do right in your dorm room even inbetween classes. It sounds silly but stretching is a very important and quick thing to do as a means of working out (especially before an intense work- out). Pallone says "Any type of stretching will benefit you - taking 5 minutes will enhance your althetic performance". Stretching not only helps you athletically but releaves stress and tension in the body.

Quick Stretch Gluteus Maximus and Thigh: Put your pressue on your left leg as you stretch your right leg back. Lengthen your back and place your hands on your left leg. Feel the stretch as you lengthen your right leg - now switch.

Tip 2: NO LATE NIGHT EATING. I know being on campus and staying up late can make late night food consumption almost inevitable but if you can... avoid eating 3 hours before bedtime. Late night munchies remain in your stomach and get stored in the body resulting in weight gain and possible sickness. Pallone says "Late night eating is not a good thing but on campus I know its hard, if your going to do it try to eat something healthy or something low in saturated fats and nothing high in sugar".

Late Night Snack Option: Pita chips dipped in hummus

Here's a link to a healthy roasted red pepper hummus recipe! Enjoy...

Tip 3: Find Alternative Ways to Exercise. Getting to the gym can be a hastle but there are many other ways to get your exercise in other than trucking to the gymnasium. For example take the stairs instead of the elevator, this can burn calories and also get you to your destination. Walk to class or work instead of driving - this is a fun way to switch up your daily routine while burning some cals! I know we all like to park our cars close to the entereance of wherever we're going but sometimes take the farther spot and walk, enjoy the scenery. Pallone says "even walking is great for you! 60 minutes a day of any type of exercise can make a difference".

Tip 4: Switch up your exercise machine. There are days where all we want to do is run our little hearts away - if so the treadmill is your answer! This machine effectively burns tons of calories while giving you an intense work-out. If you want to get a great work-out just a little less intense choose the eleptical and if you would like a little less of a work-out choose the bike. Its a good idea to switch up your machinery and the intesity of your work-out A. So you don't get bored and B. to give our muscles a break. Pallone says "if you have an injury do not run, it has the most impact on your knees, hips and back - walking is your best bet"

Tip 5: Make Healthier Choices: I know we've heard this statement over and over but choosing the healthier option for a snack or a mean truly does make a difference. I know it can be difficult the apple never looks as good as that slice of pizza but I am sure you all have noticed after eating healthier we feel healthier. Pallone says "steer away from the pizzas and try not to always take the quick approach to a snack option like a bag of chips". Keep fresh fruits and vegetables around your kitchen and even if its just 2 times a week try the healthier option.

Here's a healthy recipe for some

Tip 6: Always Eat Breakfast! In college I know many of us tend to...well...sleep through breakfast but no matter what time you wake up eating something is essential. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day - it jump starts your metabolism. Pallone says "You have to eat breakfast, even a small meal to start your metabolism". Even if your in a rush grab a quick snack for the go... here are some healthy and quick breakfast options...

*Low-Fat Yogurt ( you can even add a spoonful of your favorite jelly or jam)
*Low-Fat Cheese (cottage cheese is always a nice choice)
*Whole Grains (whole grain bagel or cereal)
*Fresh Fruit or Vegetables (try them in juices - this is a quick way to "eat" on the go)

Tip 7: Try smaller meals more frequently: Some people say 3 meals a day is sufficient but to avoid snacking through-out the day try having more meals just smaller portions. Pallone says " 4-5 smaller means might be a better alternative. If you split lunch into 2 snacks for example you will still have the same calorie intake but you are spreading out the meal making you less likely to snack in between".

Tip 8: Don't Get Obsessive! Its one thing to be health concious and another to become health obsessed. It's ok to indulge once in a while. If you become fixated on what you eat you will most likely eat worse - in this case "you want what you can't have" is 100 percent accurate. If you want chocolate, have it, just not a pound of it. Eat until you feel satisfied!

Helpful Tip!
Try Dark Chocolate - it lowers high blood pressure.

Tip 9: Stay Hydrated! Mama always said to drink tons of water, and she was right! Staying hydrated keeps your metabolism heightened and helps to prevent hunger cravings. Water helps to clean out your system and keep you healthy its reccomended to have 8 glasses or more of water per day. Keep a water bottle on you!

Tip 10: Keep up with your vitamin intake. Vitamins are an essential part of staying healthy. In college its sometimes hard to gain all the nutrients we should be but if possible it is very important in maintaining a healthy body and mind. Vitamin B Complex helps regulate your nervous system and as college students stress is definitely a part of our lives. You can obtain B-12 in eggs, bread, and whole grain cereals. Another essential vitamin is vitamin D which helps to strengthen your bones - try to get at least 15 minutes of sun every day to obtain the reccomended amount.

Last Thoughts - I leave you with this...

Monday, February 9, 2009

The effects of a full moon... can you handle this?

Walking back from class tonight I noticed the full moon... It's one of those things that gets so commonly overlooked that we forget to notice, or take the time to notice it. We know that a full moon effects the tides of the ocean with its gravitational pull, but what else does it affect? The bright light tonight sparked my interest so of course I came home and immedietly googled the true effects of a full moon furthermore the effects of tonights full moon... can the moons natural cycle affect the cycle of human behavior??? Creepy - I know...Here's what I got...

First, in reference to babies, known by psychologists as "Lunar Babies":

" 11,025 births over a period of six years and found that nearly 1,000 more children were conceived during the waxing moon. Apparently, successful conception is easier at that time. More interesting are the results of German researcher W. Buehler. In an analysis of 33,000 births Dr. Buehler found that there was a significant preponderance of male births during the waxing moon." ( )

second, mass excitement/hysteria:

Soviet professor A. C. Tchyivsky has correlated the eleven-year cycle with what he calls a worldwide “mass excitement cycle”. He found that throughout history events such as wars, migrations, crusades, uprisings, and revolutions have clustered"


On the other hand is noted that such myths are only believed due to the medias portrayal of the moon linking itself with "looneys"

"Lunar myths are frequently presented in films and works of fiction. "With the constant media repetition of an association between the full moon and human behavior it is not surprising that such beliefs are widespread in the general public" (Kelly et al. 1996). Reporters also "favor those who claim that the full moon influences behavior." It wouldn't be much of a story if the moon was full and nothing happened, they note. Anecdotal evidence for lunar effects is not hard to find and reporters know that one good anecdote trumps ten scientific studies when it comes to reader interest, even though such evidence is unreliable for establishing significant correlations. "

just some food for thought, interesting stuff!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Grammy's Tonight!
The countdown is a little over an hour for the 51st annual grammy awards! Check it out on cbs tonight at 8 pm. Coldplay And Lil Wayne are both nominated for best album of the year, their "viva la vida" or "The Carter III" what do you guys predict?