Thursday, March 19, 2009

But You Ain't Ever Had My Cornbread!

"But you ain't ever had my cornbread...A little bit of heaven, and a little bit of aw yeah!"
- Dave Matthews Band

With this blasting in my ear just a moment ago I became extremely hungry and in the mood for some old fasioned cornbread... just like my mom makes. However, With my recent ambition to "eat healthy" I knew this wouldnt be the best "health food" to choose for my mid morning snack. But don't you worry, for all you cornbread lovers out there I've found a solution! A recipe for a low-fat, oil free, apple cornbread - fresh from the oven. Enjoy!


1 red delicious apple (it can be overripe)
1 1/2 cup unbleached white flour
1 1/2 blue corn meal
4 1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt 2 tsp. sucanat (or other sugar)
2 1/4 cup vanilla lite rice milk, or low-fat soymilk
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 cup apple sauce
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. If you have a 10 inch iron skillet, rub some oil on the cooking surface, and let it heat in the oven. Peel apple and cut into very thin pieces of any size. In a large bowl, combine all other ingredients and then add apple. Do not overmix. Pour into heated iron skillet (or just oil a regular casserole pan, and don't bother to heat it), and bake 35 minutes on the top shelf. When an inserted knife comes out clean, it's done. You may want to let it rest for 10 or 20 minutes to let it settle and firm up, if you want, but that's not necessary. I found this to be a lot more moist than the usual recipe, but it was not at all soggy. Let me know what you think of it. Note: I only put in one apple, but it would probably taste better if you used 2. It may or may not need some more sweetener, like a tablespoon or two of maple syrup or something. I found it subtle, and a bit light. kwvegan vegan
Click Here For Other Great Recipes on..

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How To Taste The World With-Out Leaving New Haven

After studying abroad many things about me have changed, including, my taste buds... The italian cuisine was nothing less that amazing and it truly sparked my interest to taste other foods from other countries. Lets be realistic though... traveling from country to country to sample their cuisines seems pretty...well... insane and expensive! I decided to research and try different restaurants right here in New Haven that specialize in different foods from around the globe. Here's 10 ways on how to taste the world with-out leaving New Haven. This is for all you dare devils who want to "spice" up their lives... in regaurds to food anyway.

1. Consiglio's
Fine Italian Cuisine!

165 Wooster Streeet
New Haven, CT 06518
Telephone: 203-865-4489

Consiglio's is a divine Italian restaurant that mixes history with great food! Established in the 1930's this popular place is located in the heart of New Haven and is open for lunch and dinner with a variety of great italian cuisine choices and tasteful wine. The atmosphere was very classy and elegant, most people were dressed for the occasion. For my dining experience I asked the waitor what he recommended, and typically I followed his suggestion...

Appetizer: Grilled Portabello Mushroom ( 9.95 ). This dish was absolutely amazing. I will admit i love portabello mushrooms but this appetizer was drizzled in a vinigerette sauce a top the mushroom - definitely worth getting again...

Entree: Eggplant Parmigana: (18.95) This well known italian meal was cooked to perfection with the fresh mozzarella cheeze cooked just enough on top. Sometimes eggplant can be chewy (if its not fresh) but this was soft and easy to cut and chew! The Entree came with your choice of pasta (typically I chose spagetti...) served on the side or underneith the Parm. The portions were decently sized, I even went home with a doggy bag! Consiglio's is definitly a must if you want a true feel of italian culture and food... now thats amore!

Wine: House Merlot

2. Viva Zapata
Mexican Cuisine!

161 Park Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Telephone: 203-562-2499

This fun restaurant is one of the oldest Mexican Restaurants in New Haven. My roomate and I decided to have a night on the town to enjoy some mexican appetizers and margaritas and Viva Zapata was just the place to go. The atmosphere was very casual with a fun flare and loud music. After dinner the fun didn't stop as the customers then went to the bar to continue their night. There was a dinner menu and a bar menu depending upon your preference. The prices were extremely resonable, and for us broke college students this is definitly the place to go to get a cheap and great meal to fulfill our mexicana tasta buds! here's what I got...

Appetizer: Nachos Grande (made for 2!) (7.95). When they say "grande" they mean GRANDE! My roomate and I split this appetizers but our stomachs were speaking louder than our minds as we, without hesitation, got the large plate of nachos (also available in small). These crisp tortillas were topped with 3 different types of cheeze, chicken, jalapenos, beef, sour cream and salsa... stop drooling... I know. Definitely worth repeating ( just next time, maybe with an extra person or 2..)

Entradas (Entrees): Chicken and Beef Taco Combination Plate. (11.95) My roomate and I decided to split this considering how full we were from our intense nacho session. This plate was large and yummy! It came with Chicken Tacos, Beef Tacos, a Cheese Enchilada, Guacamole, Salad, Rice, and beens! If your itching for a mexican atmosphere with a hungry belly this is just the place to be.

Drink: Strawberry Frozen Margarita ( No Salt )

3. Panda Palace ( Take-out )
Chinese Cuisine!

149 Fitch St
New Haven, CT 06515

Telephone: (203) 397-2433

This fun chinese restaurant is a nice way to get your China fix on the go! Typically we are all always rushing, trying to do a million things at once, and who doesn't build up an appetite on a busy day? I know I do!... I was in a rush after reporting in New Haven on Saturday afternoon with my 2 roomates. I had a craving for some chinese food and in front of my eyes was Panda Palace...The prices were very reasonable and the portions were generous. They were quick and accurate with my order. I'm not a huge fan of meat and they had a variety of choices for meat lovers and veggie lovers alike... here's what I got...

Appetizer: Vegetable Lo-Mein (small) (4.25)

Entree: Chinese Vegetables in a garlic brown sauce (4.25) - These veggies came with your choice of fried, brown, or white rice with a fortune cookie! Woa!

4. Miso Japanese Restaurant
Japanese Cuisine!
This Japanese Restaurant had a nice variety of sushi, but it was a little pricey... If your looking for a great japanese dining experience this is definitly the place to go just make sure your prepared for the bill! the cheapest sushi meal was over 19 dollars but you did get a nice portion with salad (and my favorite ginger dressing EVERRR) included...
Appetizer: Grilled Chicken Yaki Tori ( 7.00) this was an impressive way to start my japanese experience, a must have and a definite repeater!

Entree: TEKKA DON sliced tuna and seaweed over seasoned rice (19.00). I'm a sucker for wasabi sauce and ginger so in addition to my rolls I asked for spicey mayo (to all spice lovers a must try!). I got brown rice instead of white and it was seasoned to the T with a light terriaki sauce maranade. This is definitely a nice place to go if your looking for a relaxing sushi meal. Although a little pricey, this is definitely a nice place to take someone out for a friendly date ( just some food for thought : ) )

5. Le Petit Cafe
French Cuisine!

225 Montowese
St, Branford, CT 06405
Telephone: (203) 483-9791

This romantic French setting is a beautiful way to end your day and to have an eliquent meal. The scene was upscale and there were tons of couples dining in this romantic atmosphere.The lighting, the atmosphere, the language and the wine... was to say the least...extremely - romantic. I guess you can't shake your romantic french roots even when you are in the states! The waitor was extrememly helpful and friendly and actually moved to the United States 3 years ago from the south of France! (oh lala! ) Although pricey...this restaurant is definitely a hidden secret of CT...

Appetizer: French Onion Soup (5.50). one word... AMAZING. This is a must have if you make it to le petit. The onions were cooked to the point where they melted in my mouth and the bread underneath the freshly melted (and crispy) mozzarella was moist and delicious.

Entree: Roasted Organic Spring Chicken ' Ballotine": (19.95) This dish (although pricey) was amazing. I have recently been on an organic kick, and to have the option to "go green" so to speak really caught my attention and gave me a new found respect for the restaurant. The chicken was filled with truffles and herbs of all spices and I got the choice of french friends or roasted potatoes as my side ( I typically went with the fries...I mean they do have the word "french" in them..). The Chicken was topped with a port wine sauce that made each bite unique and great! The portions weren't too large but it was just enough for me to go home satisfied.

6.Thali Regional Cuisine of India
Indian Cuisine!

4 Orange Street
New Haven, CT 06510
When I personally think of Indian "thai" food I can't help but remember the classic scene in "Along Came Polly" where Ben Stiller gets extremely sick from trying the spices of Indian cuisine, but despite my accusations I went for it. To my surprise, this was probably one of the most prominant, unique, and delicious meals I have ever tasted. Thali was a bit expensive when it came to their entrees so instead I tried a variety of appetizers (or small plates they call it..) to get a true feel for the indian palate...heres what I got...

Appetizer 1: Kulcha: or in more common terminology the indian form of garlic bread. You had the choice to top your bread with garlic, onions, potatoes, or green chilis, very unique and extremely delecious!

Appetizer 2: Sabji Manchurian; This was my favorite of my experimental starters. As a vegetable and spice lover this dish was perfect for me. It included Cabbage, Cauliflour and Carrot fritters topped with a hot cilantro garlic sauce. My mouth is watering just thinking about it...
Appetizer 3: Chopped Kuchumber: This was a nice and light way to end my meal. This dish included chopped cucumbers, red onions, tomatoes, and chickpeas tossed in a lemon sauce - extremely refreshing and a must repeat!

7. Mother's Homestyle Kitchen
Jamaican and Caribbean Cuisine!

16 Norton St
New Haven, CT 06511
Telephone: (203) 562-3701
In the mood for a carribbean cuisine? Mother's Homestyle Kitchen is jus the place for you. Most people assume tropical food to be mangos, coconuts and pineapples, and you are correct to an extent but the chef's of this restaurant were able to combine tropical spices with the right amount of substance to create superb dish. With the weather getting warmer who doesn't want to feel like their on vacation in the tropics?... With a little Bob Marley blasting in my car I headed out to fulfill my Jamaican cuisine itch... Here's what i got

Appetizer: Vegetable and Pineapple Curry: This dish was filling and well priced, although not a personal favorite ( I think the pineapple threw me off) it was a favorite of my roomates. The spices were very unique it was like biting into a spicey dish with a sweet aftermath. (5.00)

Entree: Callaloo Paties with Coco Bread: A MUST HAVE! This is the non meat eater patty but it is absolutely amazing. It satisfied every craving I had while leaving me full and my wallet not empty. One of my best friends is from Trinidad and always told me to try Callaloo if I truly wanted to experience a taste from the Islands and I am spreading her advice to all of you. My patty was spinich based with chilli powders and a splash of coconut milk. The coco bun was light with small peices of pineapple spread about the bread.

8. Kasbah Garden Cafe
Moroccan Cuisine!
105 Howe St, Apt Rr,
New Haven, CT 06511

Okay, so I know moroccan sounds a bit risky to say the least but trust me on this one. The only time i've had a moraccan dish was in Walt Disney World while "walking the world" in Epcot. I recall my pecan crusted chicken dish and splitting baklava with my mom. After my first encounter I was hooked. I found the hidden secret of moraoccan cuisine right here in New Haven.. Thank you Kasbah!

Appetizer: Harira Soup (Bowl 4.95) A traditional Moraccan soup and its absolutely "Moraculous". This soup has the perfect blend of chic peas, tomatoes, parsley and lentins in a light brown broth. The spices spark your palate and leave you wanting more ( hence why I ordered the bowl instead of the cup...)

Entree: Chicken Couscous (9.95). This dish was extrememly filling and well priced. The chicken was tendorly grilled along with grilled vegetables that was put on top of the lemon cous cous, this dish was unique, and easy to make! ( just in case you want to bring a little Morocco home!)

9. The Greek Olive Restaurant
Greek Cuisine!

100 Church St S, Ste 4,
New Haven, CT 06519
Telephone: (203) 789-1881

In the mood for genuine greek cuisine? Head over to the Greek Olive Restaurant for some garlic spread apps and a bite to eat! I'm not an expert on greek food but this was above all the best taste of Greece i've ever had..

Entree: Felafel: (5.75) This blend of chick peas was topped with white tzasiki sauce (it could also get red) served with a warm pita and side salad with my absolute favorite cheeze... feta. I ordered extra Domata olives ( which are the grape leaves wrapped around rice with a garlic tinge). This meal was filling and cheap! Definitely a must do in New Haven

10. Five Guys Burgers and Fries
American Cuisine!

75 Amity Rd
New Haven, CT 06515
Telephone: (203) 285-3016

Last but definitely not least god bless the U.S.A and these hearty burgers! I know at the end of the day sometimes all we crave is a big juicy burger with American cheese ketchup and fries - such Americans. Five Guys also offers hearty hot dogs for you non burger people... Here's my top pick for the best burgers in New Haven... trust me on this one..
Entree: Cheeseburger with Jalapeno Peppers and Grilled Mushrooms with a side of cajun fries and BBQ sauce.( Other toppings include relish, grilled onions, tomatoes, pickles, lettuce, green peppers, mayo, A-1 sauce and BBQ sauce). Bite your way to a satisfied stomach with this all American Burger.
Well folks now you have it. No more excuses on not tasting the worlds fine foods because you couldn't make it to the origin of the cuisine, right here in New Haven you can experience dining from around the globe - Bon appetit!